Open-Ran and Core Market
Covering technology agnostic Consultancy, full range end to end Techno-Economical analysis and support your business needs. Supported a OpenRAN & Core group of leading industry experts.
Non-Public Networks
Critical Communication solutions for corporations and governmental organizations needs. Technology solution are customized according to customers Business Needs.
5G towards 6th generation
ZenNets has its k8 based service creation environment towards 6th Geneneration dating back to inception of modern mobile communication networks on since ’90s.
Rural deployment with 4G-WiFi and IoT
Rural Village critical communication supporting both private and public bands in the 400 MHz and 700 MHz range. Broadband hybrid with LTE/WiFi and IoT servies (LTE Cat, LTE-M and NB-IoT).
Unlicensed Spectrum Utilization
New spectrum in the 6GHz band which allows unlicensed use worldwide. 5G and Wi-Fi 6 / 7 off-loading will support unified communications, cloud computing, augmented and virtual reality and tele-presence.
Microservice development
You can expand your service offerings, tap into new tech expertise, and building your software products with our team extension, automatize service processes.